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Basketball 2025
Athletes are divided into teams with their buddies and play Basketball! Be it practice drills and learning new skills, a friendly game of basketball, or just shootin hoops we make it a fun inclusive environment for everyone of all abilities. Each Athlete and Buddy are provided a keepsake team photo and athletes personally awarded at the end of the season. All buddies and athletes are invited to the end of year Celebration of Miracles banquet in November
Sundays 1 pm-2 pm
Richard A. Carlucci Recreation and Aquatic Center Gymnasium
651 Vestal Rd, Plainfield, IN 46168
January 12 - February 9, 2025
Registration Opens December 13
Athletes will work with a buddy (can be a family member or volunteer) that is 12 years old or older. Both athletes and volunteers/buddies will need to register.
$25 cost per athlete (need based scholarships available - click HERE for application)
Recommended for ages 5-21
Tricia Gall
Head Basketball Coach
Hello everyone! My name is Tricia Gall. When I was asked to coach basketball for the Optimist Miracle Movers, I was honored and grateful.
For 18 years, Avon has been my home. I have been married to my husband, Duke, for 28 years. We have two children, Remington (22) and Colton (19). Both boys are in college and play college football. We're a family of athletes.
I have worked for the Avon Community School for 8 years in Information Technology.
I am passionate about basketball and dedicated to making a positive impact in the community. I have 20 years of experience playing and coaching basketball. I have coached kids from 1st grade through high school, including both boys and girls.
I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to OMM and help each child discover the joy of basketball.