Miracle Movers


Welcome to our NEW Incoming Executive Director
Jennifer (Jen) Waite!


Our Mission & Goals

“Optimist Miracle Movers is a program focusing on our friends with disabilities, allowing them the opportunity to play organized sports, as others do.”

Optimist Miracle Movers current sports programs include Basketball (Winter), Swimming (Spring and Fall), Soccer (Spring), Softball (Fall) and Dance (Spring and Fall).  Our programs are designed so that each athlete has a volunteer "buddy" to assist them throughout their practice and game time.  Parents are able to serve as the "buddy" if they feel it is how their child will enjoy and get the most out of the activity.  Parents and family may also choose to sit on the sidelines to watch and cheer along their athlete as they learn new skills and sports in a supportive environment. Registrations for each sport will open one month prior to the start of each individual sport season. 


From Our Instagram…


The Volunteers


Our Volunteers

Our program would not work if not for the volunteers!  Not only do we have volunteer coaches, but we have a volunteer paired with each athlete as they participate in his/her sport.  We do our best to pair athletes and buddies together for the entire season so they are able to get to know one another and learn from one another. 

Our volunteers are 12 years of age, but exceptions can be made for volunteers that have previous experience with children with disabilities.  Any volunteers 18 years of age and older must complete a background check to participate.  If you are interested in volunteering at any level, in any sport, please contact us at optimistmiraclemovers@gmail.com, register at the general volunteer link below, or complete the sport specific volunteer registration available one month prior to the start of each sport. 


Ready to help?


